Nombre de nuits hébergées: 11
Merci à : Papy-mamie (1), Virginie-Arnaud-Marianne (2), Gene (3), Chantal et Thomas (3), Mélanie et Flavien (2).
In some places we will be hosted in private homes. This mindset encourages the exchange, friendship and sharing. Being hosted homestay we will save money too but this should not be the reason we like to be welcomed. We decided to pay 10 € for the humanitarian organization KELISSA for each night with a generous person. Thus, we hope to promote this beautiful spirit and indirectly involve all the people who welcome us in our fundraising for KELISSA.
Number of nights hosted: 11
Thank you : Papy-mamie (1), Virginie-Arnaud-Marianne (2), Gene (3), Chantal et Thomas (3), Mélanie et Flavien (2).
Thank you : Papy-mamie (1), Virginie-Arnaud-Marianne (2), Gene (3), Chantal et Thomas (3), Mélanie et Flavien (2).