24 Juin 2012 : Le Cendre
C'est sous un soleil de plomb que nous installons notre stand de 6m. Heureusement nous sommes à l'ombre une bonne partie de la journée. Il y a environ 500 exposants, la concurrence est rude! La recette de la journée s'élève à 64,5€. C'est une petite déception mais cela aurait pu être pire tant il y avait de concurrence.
1er Juillet 2012 : Champs
Cette fois-ci c'est une toute petite brocante à la campagne. Nous décidons de mettre les bouchées doubles afin d'atteindre 140€ pour cette brocante soit 200€ sur les 2 brocantes : nous partons avec 2 voitures remplies à ras bord. Mais le temps n'est pas en notre faveur. Il pleut jusqu'à 7h, heure à laquelle nous installons notre stand. Nous sommes les seuls (!). Une demi-heure plus tard la pluie est de retour. Nous bâchons notre stand. On se dit alors que l'objectif ne sera pas atteint. Mais, première lueur d'espoir, alors que Micka fait une sortie pour remettre en place la bâche car le stand prend l'eau, nous arrivons à faire une vente inespérée de 25€! A 11h la pluie s'arrête et nous débâchons, nous sommes le seul stand tandis que les autres commencent à monter le leur. En 30 min nous faisons 40-50€! Vers midi le soleil fait même son apparition et l'on peut profiter de ce lieu charmant avec arbres et pelouse. Il y a seulement une dizaine de stands mais nos 12 mètres de stand ne désemplissent pas jusqu'à 18h. Nous calculons la recette : 206,75€! Comme quoi rien n'est jamais perdu. Nous avons passé une très bonne journée et avons une forte pensée pour KELISSA et ses bénévoles à qui nous reverserons l'argent.
La recette totale est de 271,25€.
To finance our km (1€/km) that we'll give to KELISSA, we did 2 flea markets. Our goal was 100€ per flea market. A big thanks to those who helped us and provided stuff for sale.
24th June, 2012: Le Cendre
Under a blazing sun we set up our 6m stand. Fortunately we were in the shade much of the day. There were about 500 exhibitors, competition is fierce! Proceeds of the day amounted to 64.5€. It's a little disappointment but it could have been worse as there was a lot of competition.
1st July 2012: Champs It's a small flea market in the countryside. We decided to work extra hard to reach 140€ (200€ for the 2 flea markets): we started with two cars filled to the brim. But weather was not in our favor. It rained until 7 am when we set up our stand. We are the only one (!). Half an hour later the rain was back. We covered our stand with tarpaulin. We then thought that the goal will be missed. But the first ray of hope, while Micka replaced the cover as the water wet the stand, we made an unexpected purchase of 25 €! At 11 am the rain stopped and we were the only stand while others started up their own. In 30 minutes we sold for 40-50 €! Around noon the sun appeared and we were able to enjoy this lovely place with trees and lawn. There were only a dozen stands but our 12 meters stand were always busy until 6 pm. We calculated the proceeds: 206.75€! Which just shows nothing is ever lost! We had a thought to KELISSA and its volunteers. Total proceeds was 271.25€.
24th June, 2012: Le Cendre
Under a blazing sun we set up our 6m stand. Fortunately we were in the shade much of the day. There were about 500 exhibitors, competition is fierce! Proceeds of the day amounted to 64.5€. It's a little disappointment but it could have been worse as there was a lot of competition.
1st July 2012: Champs It's a small flea market in the countryside. We decided to work extra hard to reach 140€ (200€ for the 2 flea markets): we started with two cars filled to the brim. But weather was not in our favor. It rained until 7 am when we set up our stand. We are the only one (!). Half an hour later the rain was back. We covered our stand with tarpaulin. We then thought that the goal will be missed. But the first ray of hope, while Micka replaced the cover as the water wet the stand, we made an unexpected purchase of 25 €! At 11 am the rain stopped and we were the only stand while others started up their own. In 30 minutes we sold for 40-50 €! Around noon the sun appeared and we were able to enjoy this lovely place with trees and lawn. There were only a dozen stands but our 12 meters stand were always busy until 6 pm. We calculated the proceeds: 206.75€! Which just shows nothing is ever lost! We had a thought to KELISSA and its volunteers. Total proceeds was 271.25€.